When you spend your money with local companies it actually brings a huge positive benefit to you and your community. When you spend your money with large box stores it can have an adverse effect.
Your decision to shop with a local company or a national box store has a huge impact on our community. Every dollar that you spend with a locally owned, independent business has an enormous impact on the local economy. In fact, when you spend a dollar with a locally owned business it will have three times the economic benefit to your community over that same dollar spent with a chain retailer. Why? Because beyond the immediate effect of payroll, independent (or locally owned businesses) spend their revenues right here in our community; they bank locally, advertise in local media, hire local accountants, attorneys and graphic designers. They buy houses, cars, furniture and landscaping locally and they spend their monies with local restaurants and other local merchants. Fortunately, much of that money regenerates right back into our pockets when you spend it with local businesses.